Jerry Lewis

Flying to Belize on Monday …with a little ‘maybe’ in the mix

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That's me on the left and Rose in red, living the Belizean expat dream ... or, to quote Jimmy Buffett: Down to the Banana Republics / Down to the tropical sun / Go the expatriated Americans  Hopin' to find some fun. "
That’s me on the left and Rose in red, living the Belizean expat dream … or, to quote our patron saint, Jimmy Buffett: “Down to the Banana Republics / Down to the tropical sun / Go the expatriated Americans / Hopin’ to find some fun. ” (See whole lyrics below.)

Game on. Game on. Game on.

It is really happening. On Monday at 5:55 a.m. we fly to Belize from San Francisco.

Well, there is one little “maybe” in that.

We’re flying standby which is a bit adventurous in that we may or may not be facing a plane full of people eager to make their way to Dallas at 6 a.m. As of today, there are 30 seats open and not a whole lot of clamoring to fill them.

So far.

The key phrase in this scenario is “You never know.” So we are prepared with lots of reading material, an extra change of clothes, WiFi access and a very positive outlook. Plus a deck of cards and a harmonica — which I have no idea how to play.

Hey, maybe we can make a commercial like the one for the car with incredible gas mileage, in which two gringos take language tapes on a road trip, and by the time they make their first stop for fuel they speak flawless Spanish. In my commercial, by the time we reach San Pedro Town I have become the finest blues harmonica player on the island and am in big demand as a guest performer with all the local bar bands. But who or what would the commercial be for? Certainly not an airline …  Read the rest of this entry »